Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Know You'll Never Be In My Arms Again

What madness telepathically speaking to you through this blog. Silly really.

But it's all I have.

However, unrealistic it may be.

There's so much I want to ask you. So much I want to learn. I want to know you again.

Every once in a while, I have a dream about you. In them, you come to life so much it stays with me for days. I just don't understand this incredible attachment I have to you. Am I incapable of letting go?

Really? Last I remember, we lost contact in 1989 soon after high school. I went on. Trips to Europe, university, partied, played sports and had numerous encounters with women both serious and not so serious. Got a job or two and became a businessman.

I went on.

Yet you persist in my mind from time to time. It may not be unique. Hell, I may be the rule for millions may experience what I feel!

The deep impact of your image is unforgettable. Maybe because you managed to enter a part of me never person ever could. Who knows?

Something's gotta give.

We sat and talked naked in a bed. In the dream. We did not make love. It was a relinquishing of our most profound thoughts for each other. It was exhilarating as it was a relieve. It was moving as it was a realization of it was not meant to be for some inexplicable reason.

I touched your breasts. Not in lust. In marvel. Of you.

We may have kissed. I'm not sure. If we did, probably, it was a true kiss whose parent was pure love.

What's crazy is you're not my type. Only this is set aside when I ponder you. I don't see physical attributes I just feel something for you on another level I can't quite articulate.

Wanna know the craziest thing of all? I asked a psychic about you. Yes, even presented her with a picture. She asserts we were just too young and that you do still think of me often.

I hope you do.

Above all. I want you to be happy.

I want you to know this.


For Emilia.

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